Friday, June 30, 2006

Hello July - mouthful of herbs

mouthful of herbs, originally uploaded by jaimuima.

Green is a colour of herb, but also the most prefered color of a "genious-people", according to statistic results. (i actually don´t remember where this statistic came from, but believe me it exists). It doesn´t colour that brings the usefulness of herb, but it´s ability based on it´s nature.

Such way books, internet, blogs and websites sometimes are green, sometimes are orange or black, bring you some benefits. I have happened to have a professor at the university which had said once: "the value of things is not in there essnece, but in waht can you do with them".

So, once again, but for the first time in July '06, nd readings will try to discover the value of knowledge and the value of imagination.

Hope you stich with us for this mont, cause a lot of new changes would appear.

Cause, "All men by nature desire to know." - Aristotle


Duende said...

You're right! I've never seen a dumb rabbit!

Unknown said...

and if i would ask you what is the smartest rabit in a planet????

do you know the answer. cause i d. ;)

waiting for ur answer

Duende said...

No doubt about the answer my friend. Bugs Bunny.

Unknown said...

i was hoping you will respond that the rabit was from the story "Alice in the Wonderworld", but this counts also.

Duende said...

That rabbit was too concerned with time to be smart!! "GOTTA GO, GOTTA GO!"
