Sunday, June 25, 2006

Reminder to Self: Slow Down on the Caffeine

In the period of exams people normally consume a lot of coffee, especially in such country as Portugal. Actually the consumption of coffee may do a boost to your study, but at the same time may provoce herat desease. If you are really addicted to coffee you better try to mix your habit with d-coffee. Another interesting fact is that coffee is the second most commonly traded commodity in the world (measured by monetary volume), trailing only petroleum.

Coffee has had a long history. Its ultimate rigin is uncertain, there being several legendary accounts of origin of the drink. One legendary account is that of the Yemenite Sufi mystic named Shaikh. When travelling in Ethiopia he observed goats of unusual vitality and, upon trying to
he berries that the goats had been eating, experienced the same effect. Later, coffee had been used as a food stuff orginated in Ethiopia, It was primarily eaten in Ethiopia, and not widely used as a drink.

Reminder to Self: Slow Down on the Caffeine. source

1 comment:

Duende said...

Coffe is undoubtely, the beberage of the Gods.