Monday, July 03, 2006


inestable, originally uploaded by wakalani.
To study means to acquire knowledge about a given subject, often by memorization or reading. Sometimes study or studies may refer to a field of research or academics.

Duting this 2 monthes which were and still continue to be the most hardest 2 monthes of each student.

By the way the word student is etymologically derived through Middle English from the Latin second-type conjugation verb "stŭdērĕ", meaning "to direct one's zeal at"; hence a student is one who directs zeal at a subject. In many countries, the word student is reserved for higher education or university students; persons attending classes in primary or secondary schools are typically called pupils.

Anyway, considering university students, which suffer a lot, at least at Europe during these 2 months because of final exams and tests. For some of them this the end of there studies, for others it is just another step in the university life. There is a proverb, that: "the student can learn chinese language in one night". Which actualy turns true some times, because of a difficulty of exams or because of lack of studies. It impreses how the human mind can accumulate the information in a short period of time. Still sing 10% of human brain people can achive great things, now imagine if all of us just would use this 10% in max., the whole mankind could even achieve more greater things.

DSC00013, originally uploaded by a_ndriy.

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