Thursday, June 08, 2006


Love... What does it mean for each of us. Some people think it is subjective question some think it is rather objective.

Love is a condition or phenomenon of emotional primacy, or absolute value. Love generally includes an emotion of intense attraction to either another person, a place, or thing; and may also include the aspect of caring for or finding identification with those objects, including selflove. Love can describe an intense feeling of affection, an emotion or an emotional state. In ordinary use, it usually refers to interpersonal love, an experience usually felt by a person for another person. Love is commonly considered impossible to define.

That´s why even the X can´t understand it. In some situation X considered love as a perfect fenomen that can ever happen to a man in other it has hurt too much, thathe even not prefered to think about it.

Love is really confusing thing, look at this chinese character, which defines love and you understand that love is confusing. Another day, X had come to conclusion, that you can define Love as an actions which do good for other without bringing any benefits to you. That defenition doesn´t make sence for X for a long time. X wanted to difine, to calculate, to fine the real meaning of Love. This task is realy the jard one and will take a lot of time....

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