Saturday, July 01, 2006

Inteligence, IQ and stupidity

inteligence, originally uploaded by Shalafi.

Humanity always try to measure it´s inteligence. There are a lot of tests measuring inteligence, and the most popular is IQ.

(An intelligence quotient or IQ is a number derived from a set of standardized tests. These tests measure a person's ability to conduct a number of tasks to which most people raised in that society will be exposed, and so measure a person's ability to absorb and repeat mechanical intellectual tasks. Component tests are generally designed and chosen because they are found to be predictable of later intellectual development, particularly with respect to literacy.)

It seems that nowdays we can even calcualte the inteligence of our future (or existant) children:

The heritability of IQ measures the extent to which the IQ of children appears to be influenced by the IQ of parents. Because the heritability of IQ is less than 100%, the IQ of children tends to "regress" towards the mean IQ of the population. That is, high IQ parents tend to have children who are less bright than their parents, whereas low IQ parents tend to have children who are brighter than their parents. The effect can be quantified by the equation \hat y = \bar x + h^2 \left ( \frac{m + f}{2} - \bar x \right) where

* \hat{y} is the predicted average IQ of the children
* \bar{x} is the mean IQ of the population to which the parents belong
* h2 is the heritability of IQ
* m and f are the IQs of the mother and father, respectively.

Thus, if the heritability of IQ is 50%, a couple with an average IQ of 120 may have children that average around an IQ of 110, assuming that both parents come from a population with a median IQ of 100.

But what about stupidity? Is it have any coorelation with inteligence? The answer seems obvious. It seems that if we consider that te highest IQ is 100%, so your stupitidy can be considered (1-your percentage in relationship to the Highest IQ in the world)=your stupidity. This can be based on the idea that the intelectual capacity of human is based on (Stupidity and Inteligence), ceteris paribus.

Anyway it doesn´t metter if your IQ is low or high, the more important how do you use your "genious" ability to help humanity.

based on some sources from:


Unknown said...

Actually this theory of stupodity is not cientific and doesn´t has any research or investigation background. So don´t take it seriously.

Duende said...

But it's not unproven either...